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About us
New Hope Foundation


Our Foundation From Humble Beginnings to Global Leadership: The Journey of FPI:

Our founding history is that of resilience and passion. What began in 2000 as a small youth farming group, born out of the agriculture department of a Zimbabwean community-based organization, New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe, has blossomed into a pioneering institution. With deep roots in grassroots initiatives and a relentless passion for agricultural excellence, Farmer's Pride International (FPI), as we are known today, has transcended borders and transformed communities, staying true to its mission of innovation, empowerment, and sustainable development.

From its humble origins to its current international stature, FPI continues to honor its foundation while pushing the boundaries of agricultural innovation

FPI: Blending Purpose with Profit:

We wear two hats with pride, depending on the needs of the countries we operate in. In some regions, we champion community empowerment as a non-profit organization focusing purely on uplifting lives and fostering sustainability. In others, we adopt a for-profit approach, ensuring our innovative agricultural solutions remain self-sustaining and scalable.

What ties these two facets together is our unwavering commitment to the Social Enterprise concept. This unique model allows us to seamlessly merge the heart of a charity with the efficiency of a business, creating a powerful engine for change. Whether reinvesting profits to support smallholder farmers or delivering affordable solutions for urban agripreneurs, we ensure every action is a step toward building a more equitable and prosperous agricultural ecosystem.

FPI isn’t just an organization; it’s an agricultural movement that is redefining how agriculture and entrepreneurship intersect for the greater good.

for a better future.

As FPI, we stand tall today as we watch ourselves becoming a global force in agriculture. We are now anchored by two headquarters: the International Head Office in Botswana and the Research and Development Headquarters in the United States, overseeing the Research and Development initiatives as well as the Agro-consultency department. This R&D head office offers all technical support required by the agriculture sector across the world. However, our story is one of inspiration and remarkable growth.

The Evolution of FPI: From Local Initiative to A Global Enterprise:

In 2010, FPI’s vision expanded with a transformative skills and knowledge exchange project, which brought together universities and NGOs from several countries to Zimbabwe. The initiative trained 250 farmers across the country's 10 provinces, integrating agricultural education with an HIV/AIDS awareness campaign.

By 2015, FPI’s aspirations grew further with its first pilot agriculture project in South Africa’s Eastern Cape, marking the beginning of its journey as a stand-alone organization. Four years later, FPI ventured into international markets, exporting agro-products to countries like China, the UK, France, and South America.

Today, FPI is growing into a global agriculture leader, with a presence in over 41 countries across seven continents. This rapid growth prompted the FPI executive to move its headquarters to Botswana in 2019, with satellite offices in coming up in countries like South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, and Namibia as it embarks on a large-scale rollout of high-value crop farming worldwide.


Promoting Agriculture as a Business:


FPI embraces farming as a business; this helps to transform rural and urban communities from cycles of poverty and hunger to pathways of prosperity. Implementing regenerative agriculture and agroecology to enhance soil health, boost biodiversity, and create sustainable, resilient food systems that benefit farmers and the environment. This is done through implementing our flagship program, the Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP), which will promote sustainable and forward-thinking farming practices that boost agricultural productivity and enhance environmental resilience.

Our Flagship Program:

In 2015, FPI developed an ambitious Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP).

The RUAIPP is a groundbreaking initiative that underscores FPI's commitment to advancing agriculture as a cornerstone of sustainable development. By aligning rural and urban agricultural efforts and prioritizing innovation, RUAIPP holds the potential to reshape the agricultural landscape in Africa, ensuring that it remains resilient, productive, and inclusive in the face of future challenges.

The FPI initiatives are guided by its USA-based Research and Development Centre (RDC), which has given birth to the International Agriculture Consultancy and is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and SDG 13 (Climate Action). Through establishing, operating, and managing ABCs, we champion environmental stewardship, social well-being, and long-term agricultural resilience. Our goal is to foster inclusive, sustainable development that empowers communities and creates a lasting impact in the agricultural sector.

This holistic approach incorporates self-help microfinance credit schemes, offering sustainable financial solutions for agriculture, alongside the integration of advanced technology and targeted education. Central to our strategy is the Agriculture-Based Cluster (ABC) model, which connects farming communities with industrial development and financial clusters. By fostering these strategic partnerships, we bring to life forward and backward linkages, strengthen the agricultural value chain, improve access to inputs, facilitate value addition, and expand market opportunities for farmers.

FPI believes that equipping farmers with essential tools, resources, and knowledge and creating a cohesive network of clustered support systems, builds resilient agricultural systems capable of adapting to future challenges. This integrated approach drives long-term growth, economic empowerment, and prosperity for both rural and urban communities.

​​Our focus is on transforming rural and urban smallholder farmers into commercial agribusinesses through the establishment of agriculture-based clusters (ABCs). These clusters enhance farmers’ capacities by providing targeted skills training, knowledge transfer, and access to marketing networks. For our work to be sustainable we forge strategic partnerships with governments, development organizations, agricultural financiers, venture capitalists, agro-processors, food exporters, and other key stakeholders.

Our mission extends beyond economic transformation; we are equally committed to addressing critical aspects of people's well-being, including health, children’s welfare, environmental sustainability, ensuring access to clean water and sanitation, and integrating renewable energy solutions to create resilient and thriving communities.

Together, we aim to accelerate economic growth, promote sustainable farming practices, and drive self-sufficiency in agriculture. By equipping farmers with the tools and connections they need, we empower communities to thrive and secure long-term prosperity.​​​


FPI’s Vision for Rural and Urban Development:

Spanning across seven continents, FPI-I’s strategy provides sustainable solutions to global food shortages by promoting agri-food production through an African agribusiness model. This model, implemented using the Agriculture-Based Cluster (ABC) farming approach, offers a cost-effective and resource-efficient method for farming. By leveraging social capital and networking farming communities, cluster farming reduces resource use while maximizing yields, significantly improving the income of rural and urban farming communities.

RUAIPP aims to create Knowledge-based Agriculture initiatives by establishing field and on-farm skills schools, serving as knowledge exchange platforms. These research-based, scientifically informed initiatives incorporate agroecological systems into every farming setup, bringing together scientific, indigenous, and technological approaches to develop evidence-based solutions for hunger and poverty alleviation. Additionally, the program addresses climate change mitigation and adaptation, contributing to the creation of sustainable food systems worldwide.

Rural and Urban Agricultuer Model
Sphere on Spiral Stairs


Image by Charl Folscher

Zamišljamo svijet u kojem su mladi uključeni u lanac vrijednosti poljoprivrede ,  ruralne zajednice su univerzalno prosperitetne i lijepe.

Tla su neobično zdrava i produktivna.

Bioraznolikost unutar naših upravljanih sustava je u izobilju i cvjeta.  

Ciklusi vode, minerala i energije funkcioniraju do maksimuma.  

Zajednice su sposobne osigurati vlastite potrebe lokalno, a prehranjivanje svijeta više nije nužna briga, budući da su osjetljive na rod, jednakost i jednakost, uz poštovanje i vrednovanje lokalnih inovacija u znanju i poštivanje ljudskih prava.

Radimo s vladama i drugim razvojnim partnerima na izgradnji globalnih poljoprivrednih zajednica u kojima građani imaju jednake i dovoljne ekonomske i društvene mogućnosti da poboljšaju svoj životni standard i gdje mogu produktivno doprinijeti ukupnom razvoju svojih zemalja kroz mikrofinanciranje poljoprivrede za održivo i pravedni prehrambeni sustavi.


Podupiranje odgovornosti i održivih poljoprivrednih metoda koje promiču i poboljšavaju korištenje tehnologije za zaštitu tla, očuvanje biološke raznolikosti i staništa te proizvodnju sigurne, zdrave hrane, gdje se prema radnicima postupa s poštovanjem, prema životinjama postupa humano, a živahne zajednice održavaju kroz kreativnost, korištenjem fleksibilnih inovacija.

Core Values 2024 (1).png

Our work is shaped by a strong foundation of research and development. Prioritizing a community-centric approach, emphasizing inclusivity and equal opportunity for all. We uphold the highest standards of financial and material accountability and act with courage to drive meaningful change. Above all, we are dedicated to respecting people's rights, fostering peace, promoting collaboration, and celebrating harmony and the value of cultural diversity in all that we do.

Image by Magdalena Smolnicka


Kako planiramo ostvariti svoju misiju?


Naša misija će se ostvariti kroz uspostavu poljoprivrednih klastera i mikrofinancijskih kreditnih sredstava za   poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja u cijelom svijetu, to će pomoći FPI-u da postigne svoje ciljeve u održivom razvoju, ali za to mora biti dostupno sljedeće:

  • Moramo imati dovoljno fi nancijske  i  tehnička podrška  kao i partnerstva koja će održati financiranje.  

  • Mora da smo sletjeli u izobilju u svim projektnim centrima;

  • Moramo imati istraživačke centre diljem svijeta;

  • Moramo imati tehnološki razvijene radne prostore

  • Moramo imati iskusne i iskusne voditelje, prezentere i trenere, žive laboratorije s plodnim, produktivnim tlom i obilnom čistom vodom i zrakom.  ​

  • Moramo imati visokokvalitetne tehnološki napredne nastavne i istraživačke objekte;

  • Moramo imati inovativno, podržavajuće, cijenjeno, brižno, motivirano i visoko kvalificirano osoblje;

  • Moramo imati angažman i podršku zajednice, industrije i drugih dionika;


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